Events: FallMeeting2009

ECCC Fall Meeting 2009

This year's meeting will be at:

ECCC Fall Planning Meeting
9am, Saturday, Nov 14
Room E222, Edwin Stevens Building (Engineering Bldg)
Stevens Institute of Technology
Hoboken, NJ

Directions and parking notes are available here. Teams driving to the meeting are advised to arrive early to secure campus parking, and to use the Stevens riverside parking lot as discussed at the end of the notes.

Pizza lunch and coffee in the morning will be provided.


Pre Meeting Materials

Race Proposals

General and Rules Proposals

Women's Cycling [+]

Several proposals have been made to improve women's cycling in the ECCC and beyond. They are outlined in the following:

In addition, the following notes and data are available:


Meeting agenda is as follows. Teams should note that significant proposals and updates are spread throughout the agenda, including the opening overview. Times are approximate; all sessions will be held on a "to follow" basis to keep the meeting as short as possible.

  ECCC Fall Planning Meeting
  November 14th, 2009

  0900 Overview, Directions


     2009 Quick Review
       - Outcomes from last year, growth and participation

       - Where we are, where we're going, where we could go,
         significant proposed structural changes for the ECCC

  1000 NCCA + USA Cycling

     Collegiate Board of Trustees Overview
       - Emma Bast, trustee and National Road Race Champion for Mt
         Holyoke, will describe the board, significant upcoming
         changes, how to get engaged and have your voice represented

     USA Cycling Overview
       - Jeffrey Hansen, Collegiate National Manager at USA Cycling,
         will talk about USA Cycling, how it operates, how collegiate
         license fees are used, national events, and other topics

     Open Forum
       - Substantial time in this segment will be devoted to answering
         questions and collecting ideas and comments

  1100 Women's Cycling

     Current state of women's cycling in the ECCC, significant
     proposals to address multiple issues therein

  1200 Lunch / Team Development Workshop

     Guidance for New Teams and Officers
       - New workshop format for 2009: Attendees will break up into
         small groups and work directly in the ECCC wiki to collect
         notes and ideas on assigned topics, to begin outlining and
         developing a guidebook for new club officers, aiding both new
         teams and clubs transitioning leadership.  Teams are
         encouraged to bring a laptop or two for this purpose.

  1315 Community Initiatives

     Collegiate newsletter, Blogosphere, ECCC Women's blog and
     Facebook group, Dartmouth Clinics, charity & advocacy efforts

  1330 Race Policies and Expectations

     Guidelines, rules, and expectations for promoters and racers

  1400 Road Race Proposals

     Short briefs from each potential promoter on their planned event

  1600 Scheduling

     Determination of final schedule for Spring 2010

Meeting is expected to close between 1630 and 1700.

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